Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It inspects services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. It also inspects and regulates services that care for children and young people.

Ofsted’s role is to make sure that organisations providing education, training and care services in England do so to a high standard for children and students.

OFSTED report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial.

Sherborne CofE Primary School had a two-day, Section 5 Inspection on 3&4 July, 2023. The School was graded Good in all areas.

The OFSTED report has highlighted many areas of strength within our school, and in particular the pastoral support and enrichment opportunities we provide. What is very clear throughout the report is how happy the children are to attend Sherborne and how proud they are of their school. You can read the report in full by clicking on the link at the bottom of the screen, but here are some key highlights from the report:

    1. Leaders and staff have high expectations of all pupils. As a result, pupils behave well and are keen to learn. They strive to do their best and take pride in their work. Pupils are polite and courteous. They show respect and tolerance towards each other. Pupils play together well and co-operate in lessons. Pupils know that everyone is different but that this does not matter.

    2. Parents, carers and pupils appreciate the wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities. Leaders ensure that all pupils can take part. Pupils have been integral in gaining an eco-award due to their determination to be kind to the environment.

    3. Pupils love to read in school and at home. This is because leaders prioritise reading. Pupils are enthusiastic about the range of texts, fiction and non-fiction, and authors they encounter. Pupils report that they are eager to ‘expand their knowledge and go to different and magical worlds’. Teachers use skilful questioning to deepen pupils’ understanding of the texts they read.

    4. Pupils are proud to represent their school at events and competitions. They relish taking on leadership and responsibilities. This includes participating in local community initiatives. Pupils value being part of the Sherborne family.
    5. Staff provide care and nurture for children in the early years that provides a secure environment to learn. Relationships are positive and children respond well to the adults who work with them.

    6. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils They have worked tirelessly to ensure recent changes in staffing have not had a negative impact on pupils’ education.

    7. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well.

    8. Leaders have created a strong culture of vigilance among all members of staff to ensure pupils remain safe.

    9. Pupils are keen to live out the school’s motto of ‘Sherborne for Life’.

    10. Pupils appreciate the rich variety of activities that promote their personal development and well-being. As a result of inclusive opportunities, pupils flourish.

We believe that the success reflected in this report is a result of the incredible teamwork between our dedicated staff and governors, engaged parents, and our amazing children. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our parents and the wider school community for your continuous support, encouragement, and active involvement in the children's education.